Zootiez, the Premier California Cannabis Brand

When cannabis was illegal in the state of California, most people had very little idea what exactly they were smoking. In the black market, secrecy was necessary, meaning transparency was hard to come by. In 2016 this all changed with the state’s legalization of the plant for recreational purposes. Now, it is easy to learn anything about what you are buying, from the exact percentage of different cannabinoids to the terpene profile to whether pesticides were used. In other words, for cannabis enthusiasts, it was suddenly possible to discern what was a bad product from a great product. The race was on as consumer tastes pushed the industry to make higher and higher quality products.

Like any plant, cannabis grows best under very specific conditions. It just so happens that Humboldt County, California has exactly those conditions. Now known as part of the Emerald Triangle for its prolific and high-quality cannabis output, Humboldt County is home to the best the state has to offer. In this surge of interest and demand for the cream of the crop, one Humboldt-based company, in particular, has made a name for itself: Zootiez.

With a founder native to Humboldt County, Zootiez represents the best of the region, producing a sparkling green flower. The company has over thirty years combined experience on staff, making it hard to beat the knowledge of Zootiez’s “Connoisseurs-men,” those responsible for cultivating new strains that continue to impress even the harshest of critics. These Connoisseurs-men, utilizing best-in-class quality control, hunt for new and exotic profiles to graft onto and breed with their existing popular products. Consumers have learned to trust the process, and now Zootiez is frequently likened to Rolls Royce for the quality of craftsmanship that goes into everything they make.

Zootiez has come to represent the best of luxury cannabis culture and was even featured on hip-hop artist Future’s hit song “PUFFIN ON ZOOTIEZ.” The song ranked as high as fourth on US Billboard Hot 100, so it is no surprise more people than ever are drawn to the brand. In an ever-evolving space, Zootiez has learned how to stay ahead of the curve. Despite this surge of popularity, Zootiez knows to stay true to its roots and has pledged to only produce small-batch flower grown under the watchful eye of their experts.

When cannabis eventually achieves federal legalization, Zootiez is perfectly positioned to export Californian excellence across the entire country. If you are interested in staying up to date, you can follow Zootiez’s official Instagram here.

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