According to a new survey by Oak PR, Americans are all in on cannabis Christmas festivities as it continues to be more and more normalized. 

The survey was conducted on 951 Americans over the age of 21. A little under the 1000 benchmark you’d like to see with these kinds of surveys and headlines but it’s pretty close. The Survey was conducted by Wired Research on behalf of Oak PR. 

Some of the other big takeaways included that one in four of those surveyed plan to gift cannabis to family and friends this holiday season. While not necessarily gifting, an estimated 63% of those surveyed planned to incorporate cannabis into their holiday plans in some way. 

A big chunk of the cannabis enthusiasm this holiday season will be provided by Gen Z and Millennials. They are far more likely than boomers to include cannabis in their holiday plans with 78% of the youngins coming out in favor of the plan while just over half of the boomers did at 56%, still a very progressive number compared to a decade or two ago where that would have sounded ridiculous. 

When it came to gifting, there was another big split between the age groups. Just over half of Millennials and Gen Z would be hyped to get weed as a present at 53%. On the contrary, just over a third of boomers would be at 38%. A quarter of millennials and Gen Z planned to gift cannabis to others while one in 5 boomers did. 

As the headline noted, 32% of people who plan to use cannabis this holiday season believe it to be a better gift than alcohol. 

One of the funner takeaways from the survey is parents love weed even more than their childless peers. Nearly 75% of people with kids surveyed said they planned to incorporate cannabis into their holiday plans while 56% of those without kids did. 

“The results of the survey are both eye-opening and somewhat expected when you consider the growth of legal cannabis in the U.S. and people are always looking for new and interesting gift options,” says Drew Tybus, Oak PR CEO. 

Tybus went on to note that with more states across the country now offering some form of legal cannabis to Americans than ever before, people have a choice of how they want to celebrate, have fun, and give gifts that people will be excited about. 

“We see the most interesting trend being the correlation between younger Americans (Gen Z and Millennials) – many of whom are now parents themselves – considering cannabis their preferred choice over alcohol this holiday season,” Tybus said, “Being a parent during the holidays can be extra stressful, and cannabis can be an excellent option when it comes to relaxing.”

As this survey was being conducted in November, Gallup released the results of its poll that showed more Americans support cannabis than ever at a whopping 70%. 

At the time, NORML Deputy Director Paul Armantano noted,

“There’s no ‘buyer’s remorse’ among the public when it comes to legalizing cannabis,” NORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano said. “As more states have adopted legalization, public support for this policy has risen dramatically. That’s because these policies are largely working as intended, and because voters prefer legalization and regulation over the failed policy of marijuana prohibition.”

We can’t wait to see how excited people are to give out weed for Easter 2024. 

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