Kanach of Kanak feels the Raw, Unfiltered Emotions of ‘John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band: Tom Kanach of New Jersey rockers Kanak told us about his love for Lennon’s classic solo debut.

Tom Kanach: Selecting just one record that has significantly impacted my life feels totally impossible, as there are hundreds of records that I cannot live without. Among my personal favorites are Radiohead’s OK Computer, the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds, Elliot Smith’s Figure 8, Wilco’s Summer Teeth, the Zombies’ Odessey and Oracle, the Beatles’ Revolver, the Dead Boys’ Young, Loud and Snotty, and the Rolling Stones’ Exile on Main Street.

Seeing these records all listed together, I realized that they share a common thread. They each have continuity, presenting a synchronized theme and atmosphere. Each song lives within a specific mood or topic, rendering these albums cohesive journeys rather than just a collection of the band’s best songs amassed over time. While there’s nothing wrong with the latter approach, these albums, with their thematic unity, resonate with me in a unique way.

Each song is a perfectly placed piece of the puzzle, seemingly penned during a singular manic session, that captures a snapshot of the artist’s experiences or emotions, compelling them to unleash a torrent of creative expression.

For me, the pinnacle of thematic albums is John Lennon’s  Plastic Ono Band. Unlike many concept albums, Lennon’s work offers a raw, unfiltered glimpse into his inner struggles during its creation. Its honesty is striking, devoid of elaborate metaphors or fictional narratives. Upon my initial listen, I was struck by its sincere vulnerability, with the sparse music perfectly mirroring Lennon’s emotional journey. It was John ripped open for inspection.

Learning that John Lennon, the only person that I ever idolized and who symbolized musical perfection to me, was grappling with life’s challenges was both surprising and comforting. It made me feel less alone and inspired me to embrace honesty in my own creative endeavors.

In extending my gratitude to John Lennon for offering this candid glimpse into his world, I acknowledge the invaluable gift of authenticity he imparted to the younger me, as well as countless others, toward the pursuit of truth in their craft.  

Kanak’s  On the Outside EP is out now.






















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